This is not a new idea. Late last year Rep. Jackie
Speier (D-CA) submitted a short and quickie Bill (H.3435, see my Post ) – based, but of course, on amazingly huge ‘numbers’
of rapes and sex-assaults – demanding, among other things, a military
sex-offense registry. That Bill has been referred to a military-affairs
In the 2012 military budget, which includes some
very extensive (and apparently incoherent) definition-changes to ‘rape’ and ‘sexual
assault’, there is no mention of a military sex offender registry.
Speier’s Bill calls for the military to retain an SO
database of those convicted of (its increasingly engorging) sex-offenses,
although this database would be available only to military investigators.
But then it also calls for the Department of Defense
(DOD) to forward all information about military-convictees to the Department of
Justice (DOJ) for inclusion in the National Sex Offender Registry.
Now this is a ticking timebomb of no small
As I mentioned in my discussion of the
military-justice system in the Foster
Post , the military has been rather careful not to invite too much
attention to its system. There is good reason for this: the entire profound
Constitutional Question remains conceptually open: does Congress even have the
power to authorize the military (an arm of the Executive) to conduct trials
of accusation for offenses against the entire civilian Criminal Code?
The military won this ‘authority’ formally in 1916
when it claimed that it would be impossible to send all the accused and
witnesses to any serviceman’s alleged violation of civilian criminal law back
to the States for a civilian criminal trial; hence the military (then going
overseas for World War 1) was ‘authorized’ to use its already iffy justice
system to prosecute Citizens (albeit servicemembers) for any criminal law
This wall was breached – to the military’s and the
JAGs’ apparent advantage and with their support – in the very first SO Mania
laws: anyone convicted by courtmartial of a Sex Offense would be eligible for
the State registry. A convictee would, upon release from the military and any
imprisonment, have to go to the State in which he would reside and submit to
its SO Registration process; later it was arranged that the military would send
notice to the inmate’s designated State of residence so as to give that State’s
Registration Board a heads-up.
Thus the military-justice system’s ‘convictions’
slyly insinuated themselves into the public mind as ‘criminal convictions’
(although the huge Constitutional Question remains very truly open, even though
the Supreme Court has done its heroic bit to justify the whole thing).
the responsibility for SO Registration remained, as it Constitutionally has to,
with the States and it is conceivable that a State would examine the military
record of trial and decide that the potential ex-serviceman registrant was
“ineligible” – such are the annoyances of the Constitution in SO Mania matters.
Hence the so-called National SO Registry (named, as
always, after a victim, Dru Sjodin) is actually only a federally-administered
collection of all the State Registries.
But what this Bill wants to do is to give military
convictions a formal authority to directly Register its SO convictees.
Which also then burdens the State with the responsibilities
of tracking these individuals and also removes from the States their authority
to determine for themselves who does (or perhaps does not) qualify for their
Registries. And that opens up a whole
universe of unsavory possibilities and Constitutional concerns. (Perhaps, for
example, the federal government might volunteer to take the burden off the
States by directly monitoring any of their citizens who bear a military
‘conviction’, and you can imagine what that further ominous possibilities that precedent might open up.)
Given the functional failure of the Adam Walsh Act
of 2006* - which overnight would have hugely increased the number of
technically-defined SOs in their jurisdiction – States are not going to want to
add to their already costly and burdensome SO registration-notification
problems (and they are legion) by now taking on the hugely dubious and complex
challenges of adjudicating the ‘eligibility’ of those ‘convicted’ by
courts-martial under the queasy aegis of the military justice system.
But it’s a tough election year and pandering must be
intensified and extended to any and all of the ‘bases’. Rep. Speier’s
Congressional District – 12th CA – comprises, by the most amazing
coincidence, parts of Santa Clara County, which was most recently the site of
the jury-nullification verdict for an A&B against an alleged SO about which
I have Posted several times in the past couple of weeks, including a Post just
yesterday. Her District is just south of Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco District.
What better way to do some quickie and useful
pandering than to get an online Petition going about demanding a military SO
Registry that might well also open up a back-door to active federal
administration of Registries that the States now realize are not only of hugely
doubtful and oversold value to the public but are also very very costly in terms
of time and money?
Neatly, on the site sponsoring the Petition, the whole
thing is classified as a “women’s rights petition’. In case anybody was
wondering if there is a connection.
As I have often said, given the fundamental
organizational objectives of any and all military undertakings, you can get
yourself court-martialed and ‘convicted’ for just about anything the brass has
a mind to Charge you with. And if you then factor in the SO Mania Regime as it
has run rampant in the military-justice system (where Constitutional
protections were already weak, before the Regime’s effects are factored in) …
you can see the possibilities for lethal mischief.
But all that would be thinking-too-much for politics
in an election year, especially among youthy or emotionally-reactive internet generations
that aren’t widely noted for circumspection and careful analysis of dynamics
and consequences and all that stuff. It just feels so good to be part of a
Good Cause.
If Justice Douglas was right when he reflected that
liberties are lost slowly – like the sun going down and dusk descending gradually
from almost-daylight to total darkness – then I would also add that to the
unreflective and unobservant, darkness appears to suddenly arrive ‘out of
nowhere’. When you aren’t paying careful attention, all sorts of stuff ‘just happens’, and ‘suddenly’ too.
On the Petition site, internet participants are
invited to say something. But not to ‘comment’; rather: to share their ‘reasons’
for supporting the Petition. A review of the many entries indicate very very
few actual reasons and thoughts, and a whole lotta ‘stories’. Which – but of
course – cannot be verified and – their writers probably know full well – will never
be examined closely, if at all.
As I have said before on this site, the advantage of
the military and clerical sex-offense cases is that they allow for a more
focused example and consideration of the dynamics and consequences of the
sprawling SO Mania Regime; they are the SO Mania Regime ‘writ small’. And by ‘small’
I mean manageable in terms of observing and analyzing how this Thing works.
One comment-maker claims that when she asked about a
military SO Registry, “some” of the responses she was given were that it would
take too much paperwork and too much time. But a) how does anybody really know
that and b) what other responses was she given that perhaps to her required too
much (confusing or inconvenient) thinking?
Perhaps some acute responder told her that there
were significant potential or probable Constitutional problems. Or that the
military would rather not create a program that would have to allow for the
type of contested-Hearings by those under threat of registration that might
well expose huge shortcomings in the military justice system. Or that if this
scheme were to be made retroactive – as the civilian schemes are, because they
are ‘merely administrative and not punitive’ – then military convictions might
be open to formal Ex Post Facto court challenges that, again, invite unpleasant
public and even judicial scrutiny and also invite judicial-review into the
military system. Or that the whole thing is going to cost an awful lot of money
that the military needs for stuff like – not to put too fine a point on it –
recovering its war-fighting and war-winning capabilities.
Or perhaps nobody did and she hasn’t even thought to
consider such ‘abstract’ stuff herself and she just has to imagine that since
her cherished Registration idea is ‘totally Good’ then the only reason there is any doubt about it is because there is a ‘conspiracy’
to continue to ‘oppress’ victims (and, of course, ‘women’). Such
cartoon-thought is widespread nowadays, especially since ‘abstract thinking’
was kicked-to-the-curb as being ‘macho’ and ‘patriarchal’ and so on and so
The whole bit becomes – for far too many – merely a
soap-opera chance to ‘be involved’ without having to do much serious thinking.
Which – to some minds – is totally OK because what they are trying to ‘change’
is so totally Evil in the first place that anything they want to see done is
totally Good.
It’s anybody’s guess how all this is going to turn
But if for no other reason than money and turf, the
military might yet decide it’s not a Good Thing at all.
And yet, if it’s going to be a tough election, then
the Beltway pols might be in no mood to do any thinking themselves.
*As of July 12, 2012 it has been just two weeks
short of a year since the DOJ’s SMART office (assigned to implement all
Registration and Notification schemes, including the AWA scheme) has posted any
press-releases. Prior to July 28, 2011 the SMART folks had been regularly and
frequently posting burbly and cheerible press-releases about the latest
jurisdictions to sign-on for the AWA-compliant certification. Not anymore.
But like so much of the SO Mania Regime, there is
always a curious element ‘coincidence’ about this Thing – ‘coincidence’ that
belies the desired unthinking take-away assumption that its advocates would
like you to stumble away with: that all the brouhaha is just the honest
concatenation of a whole lotta real and honest victimization suddenly rising to
an innocent critical-mass.
When actually, there appear to be a hefty dynamic of
wheels-within-wheels and the queasy sense of ‘strategizing’.
So, in this case, it can actually be no coincidence whatsoever
that on June 22 an independent documentary film, entitled “The Invisible War” was
released, one which had received top-billing at the annual Human Rights Watch
Film Festival (the primary themes of which for 2012 are “women’s rights,
personal testimony, LGBT rights, and reporting in crises”.
That last quote is taken from a review by the
usually serious, astute and insightful Stuart Klawans in the July 2/9, 2012
issue of The New Republic (pp.44-5
of the print edition; the link brings you to a subscription-only firewall).
That “personal
testimony” is – but of course – a vital and lethal hallmark and fundamental
operating principle of Victimist strategy and jurisprudence: echoing the early
1980s exhortation to “believe the children” first deployed widely in the
Satanic Ritual Day Care Child Abuse trials of that era, which actually uses
‘children’ as a pretext and crowbar to move public opinion and – ominously –
jurisprudence and legislative Findings away from a reliance on rational and
careful and deliberate analysis of evidence and toward an emotional, primally
limbic acceptance of whatever ‘story’ (usually a ‘horrific’ one) any
self-proclaimed ‘victim’ or ‘survivor’ (with its queasy metaphorical undertone of the
Carefully, Klawans makes sure grammatically that all
of his statements are based on the assertions and presumptions built into this
documentary. But once he has covered that base, he opens up the throttle: the
directors have “committed impressive resources of research, skill and moral
gravity to “The Invisible War” – although the moral gravity of the Victimist agenda is verrrry highly selective,
and does not extend to any general morality or truthfulness, but rather only to
the ‘revolutionary morality’ that whatever is good for the revolution is Good
and True and whatever isn’t, isn’t.
“To judge from statistics presented in the film”, Klawans
ventures shrewdly and carefully, “some 20 percent of the women who go into the
US military will be sexually assaulted by the people they most trust: the
servicemen with whom they live and work.”
You see here the lethal and incoherent presumptions
which this Victimist Narrative requires us to presume without actually giving
it much thought: a) that despite decades of (male) sexual-violence horror-stories,
huge numbers of ‘women’ are going into the military thinking that such purported
sexual dynamics are not operative (thus that when they are assaulted sexually,
it is truly a case of Innocence Treacherously Surprised – a nifty if ancient
script hook); b) that the same military that provides us with so many “heroes”
is (purportedly) at the same time one of the country’s largest pools of rampant
sex-offending perps; c) that sex-assault is rampant in the military, although
military-law has now been hugely deranged by deliberate ‘definition-creep’,
whereby almost any sexual act or encounter is ‘rape’ and any woman who has had
just one drink (or beer) is ‘incapable of giving consent’ (and thus any
sexual-activity is ‘by definition’ rape).
And, Klawans immediately continues, “the real
percentage must of course be much higher, given the daunting pressure on the
victims to remain silent”. No doubt he got this pair of ideas from the film.
But the SO community is well-aware of the value of
this queasy statistical gambit: on the basis of uncorroborated ‘stories’ gotten
in ‘surveys’ of the most primitive (yet carefully focused) kind, which are then
in their dozens of thousands compared to the actual formally reported numbers
of allegations filed, the ‘extrapolation’ is quickly made that the ‘real’
number of incidents outnumbers the actual formally-reported number of incidents
by a factor of 10 or 100 or 1000 or pick-your-favorite-exponent.
And of course, this bit of frakkery is explained by
the ‘fact’ that the women who make the allegations are under “daunting pressure”
not to make such allegations (or – if you wish – ‘reports’). Thus that there is
a huge and evil (and patriarchal) organizational “culture of rape” (remember
that old saw from the 1970s?) in the military.
That the military might advise allegators to be
prudent lest they open themselves to charges of false-official-reporting (a serious
offense itself in the military justice system); that the military is trying
desperately not to have its resources diverted and attention distracted by the
usual and required victimist-SO soap opera; that the military itself is aware
of the incoherence by which male soldiers are now distracted from focusing on
war-fighting competence not only by
the ever-present distraction of females living cheek-by-jowl with them but also by the ominous awareness that
any female at any time for any reason (getting out of an unpleasant assignment not
being the least of them) can make an allegation and literally – by the latest
regulations – ‘stop the music’ in an entire unit … none of these possibilities
do the Advocates want you to consider.
And – even more slyly – Klawans stenographizes yet
another interesting bit from the film: “this is not just a problem for women …
men on active duty are raped too, at a lower rate but in higher absolute
numbers than women”. So, neatly, this is
not just a ‘women’s issue’ because males are also raped in large numbers; but
at the same time it is – but of course – more important to focus on the women’s
[And is male-male rape that prevalent in the
military? How is rape being defined here? When did this start? And how can putatively
patriarchal, macho males accept this without concomitant levels of
self-defensive or vengeful violence against their rapists? Or are the males
being ‘raped’ by the females? What is
going on here?]
And you can see where this entire gambit has now
taken hold among the new-generations of military males themselves. And all the
usual reservations must apply to your assessment of the ‘crisis’.
– and here is the direct tie-in to this Petition – “many uniformed perpetrators
retire into the civilian community unpunished, unidentified, and amply
experienced in sexual predation”. All of which elements of this
assertion are dubious and certainly unproven: that anyone allegated-against is
truly a “perpetrator”; that they were thus worthy of formal legal punishment
and yet “remain unpunished”; and that all of them are “amply experienced in
sexual predation”.
But it’s a neat skein of illusions and rather
strategic – simultaneously from an ideological and a political and also a
commercial film-making point of view: this ties in the engorgement of the SO
Mania in the military, the civilian SO Mania (now waning, at least in terms of
media attention if not also in terms of the public acceptance of the Mania’s presumptions
and Script), and thus will hopefully re-ignite the enabling attentions of
legislators now sobering up at the prospect of costs and perhaps even
consequences to the common-weal.
The entire film was itself enabled by a hugely
selective example of ‘scholarship’ in a “report” concocted by retired feminist
professor Helen Benedict (“The Private War of Women Soldiers”, published in
2007 on the online ‘women’s’ site, Salon Magazine). Perhaps the distraction of
this ‘private war’ is part of the reason the military from top to bottom has
not been more successfully focused on actually winning wars nowadays.
“The witnesses” – but of course – “are stunning in
their pain and courage”. But of course nobody has any way of knowing if they
are genuine “witnesses” or merely story-tellers (nor do I presume to judge; but
it is vitally necessary that every such story of allegation be examined and
confirmed, especially in light of the consequences demanded by the
story-tellers and their Advocates). And given the still-unplumbed depths of ‘victim-friendly’
‘reforms’ in Mania matters – whether in the civilian or military forum – what ‘courage’,
really, is required? No more than is required to pull a fire alarm hook
(perhaps anonymously), knowing that your action can and will never be seriously
examined or questioned.
The film, Klawans reports, is (artfully) constructed
and woven of “extended conversations and contextual scenes” (merely a
story-spun, reinforced for dramatic effect by what are known in the trade as “dramatizations”
– filmed horror-stories and nightmares, none the less limbically and
emotionally seductive for their being – for all anybody knows – more ‘drama’
than ‘report’). And all of this by “survivors”, a manipulatively dishonest moniker
given that nobody’s story or comments has been analyzed let alone proven.
The skein is then embroidered with a rapid sequence
of filmed “comments” by whomever the
film director carefully selected for whatever telegenic reasons.
“You get an appalling sense of outrage piled upon outrage,
even as the film moves along calmly and logically”, intones Klawans in a tone
of hushed awe.
But of course it is “calm” because no shadow of
being held-to-account darkens the brow or the conscience of the film-maker, and
the “logic” is that of Goebbels: once you have accepted the grossly illogical
and untruthful premises of the artfully-constructed presentation, then all
secondary logic is utterly tainted and deranged, not to say perverted.
(I can’t avoid mentioning here Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s
awesomely sober and rueful admonition to those among his circle and beyond it
who hoped that they could somehow ‘improve’ Hitler’s and Goebbels’s Third
Reich: “Once you have gotten on the wrong train, walking backwards through the
cars isn’t going to help”.)
Thus, and apparently to Klawans’s satisfaction, the
film demonstrates clearly and completely “how a culture of rape flourishes in
the military”, based on “a twenty-year history of sexual assault scandals”.
Such as the Tailhook scandal, now – twenty years or so later – revealed to be a
put-up job from the get-go, and its primary ‘victims’ demonstrated to be
untruthful and – let it be clearly noted – unpunished.
So you see how it works. And how even otherwise
sober and acute and reliable experts in their field can be hoodwinked, or at
least seduced into composing an approving encomium.
And the band plays on.
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